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Inside you'll get instant access to...
Discover the TRUE meaning of wealth and why it doesn't always involve a gigantic mortgage for a beautiful home or a luxury car.
Why 80% of modern millionaires were able to achieve their status on annual incomes of $55,000 or less.
Learn why perfection and complacency are enemies and failure and urgency are your friends.
The big misconception that a 'high salary' translates to wealth... and what to do about this.
How to 'do what you love' whilst getting paid so you feel like you're never working again.
5 Investments vehicals to build long term wealth and which one(s) are right for you.
How dream charts can re-program your subconcious mind and manifest your financial destiny... faster.
Why creating your own niche products is easier than you think... even if 'so-called' gurus will tell you otherwise.
How to break 'traditional' methods of product creation and create hot niche products within a matter of hours!
A simple way to create a winning product fast whilst building your reputation almost effortlessly!
How to plan, outline and design your product content to make it irresistible... even if you've never written a sales letter!
Discover the special '3 word phrase' you can use to avoid doubts, fears and writer's block!
How to price your products for volume and profit... and how to cunningly use your competition's hard work to your advantage
4 Deadly effective ways to get your products sold... and how you can build your business fast just using 1 of these techniques alone.
Discover the dark UGLY truth behind traffic and why all traffic is NOT equal.
How to develop the right traffic plan BEFORE you build your first website, or start a campaign. Hint: Get this right and save 100s of hours and $1000s in unnecessary costs!
Discover why content is STILL king and how to put together useful articles that continue to pump traffic to your site for years.
Discover the 7 unwritten rules of forum advertising, what to do, what NOT to do, and how to avoid getting banned.
See why giving stuff away for free can build up your 'traffic bank', so you can release traffic the future traffic anytime, anywhere!
We'll reveal 2 powerful tools that you can use RIGHT NOW to multiply your traffic effortlessly... (and they're free to use!)
How blogging can be profitable for ordinary individuals like you who have a passion for sharing!
5 Important things to look out for when creating your first blog.
REVEALED! 5 Pro tips producing existing content that people will come back to, like and share!
How to get your blog up and running within 15 minutes or less!
10 'not so obvious' components of your blog you need to conside to be unique and distinguishable.
How to write content in a way that ensures you get constant traffic (and sales) to your blog!
10 Simple checks to ensure you keep your readers and search engines happy!
Discover 3 simple things that all social media users are HIGHLY attracted to and how you can copy and paste them into your posts for more traffic!
See how to use the 'fill-in-the-blank' post title trick to attract even more people to your posts. (We'll even give you a proven example to model off...)
Discover 1 super effective sales technique that doesn't involve the 'hard sell'. (Tip! Your followers will love you for this and cling on to your every word!)
Find out how to recycle 'dead content' when you're stuck for original new ideas!
Revealed! 4 powerful 'emotional triggers' that get people to open your posts ...plus how you can adopt this method in all other areas of your online marketing campaigns!
Find out the 5-letter word that all 7-figure marketers use and how you can apply it to your business within moments from now.
Discover the 3 things every new affiliate marketer needs to know to survive online. (...ignore this advice and you'll be struggling for a long time!)
How to predict your traffic and sales BEFORE you start plus exactly how much traffic you need to make 1 sale a day!
Discover the most powerful '4-letter word' you can use in your affiliate marketing campaigns (...and how NOT using this can actually hurt your sales)
9 Important questions you need to ask yourself before investing your time, energy and money into an affiliate program!
The 5-letter word you need to establish with your prospects and visitors WELL BEFORE you sell anything (...this is more important than the product itself)
How to avoid the 3 major newbie mistakes of affiliate marketing (...your audience can tell immediately if you haven't applied the third tip!)
Discover the 2 top ways to profit from your list! (Hint - it's one of the most simplest concepts that you are probably overlooking).
Revealed! 10 power tips you can start applying today to build a list that will always buy from you and never want to leave!
Discover how to build attractive lead pages that convert like crazy and pull in new subscribers every single day!
8 Simple tips to create landing pages in ANY niche for ANY free gift you have to offer!
How to convert cold prospects into paying customers ASAP whilst keeping your unsubscribe rates low.
Double opt-in vs. Single opt-in? Which one is better and why and in what scenarios do you need to switch?
1 Simple strategy to keep your subscribers engaged and eager to read your emails!
See why NOT sending enough emails to your subscribers can HURT your business long term, ...even if you think you're sending too often!
How to cross-promote seemingly unrelated products to smaller niches by applying 'outside the box' thinking (plus a cool example that works!)
Find out which format to send your messages in ...and what you can learn from BIG companies like Amazon, eBay and Groupon
Discover ninja marketing tactics to get the most clicks and how a small list of 2,000 can outperform a list of 10,000 subscribers!
See how 1 simple setting in your autoresponder account can increase your open rates plus 5 swipe templates you can use immediately.
How to put together months of email content together within a matter of minutes... and actually have subscribers thanking you for them!
Discover the #1 fastest and easiest way to create your own products using other people's content LEGALLY using a 6-step process!... (most newbies will never take advantage of this).
A simple way to get the gurus to create 90% of your product for you... in a way that will make it hard for them to say 'no'.
How to leverage other people's time and talents... and why it's costing you BIG TIME to create your own products from scratch.
1 simple marketing strategy to get your audience to create your product and sales letter for you!
How and WHY you can 'tutorialize' almost any product or software and charge a premium ...even if the information is freely available.
How to use blogs and forums to create products within 24 hours. (Most will never take advantage of this strategy. You'll have little or no competition).
An introduction to copywriting - why it's seriously overlooked but remains the ONLY thing standing between you and a flood of sales.
3 Power tips to brainstorm your offer and craft the perfect sales letter for any product in any niche.
Discover 3 deadly effective tips to write compelling headlines that qualifies your prospects and keeps them reading to the bottom of your page!
Revealed! The 4 components needed to write emotional and compelling stories that leave a lasting impression on your prospects ...even when they're not on your site!
The 4-step process to introducing your offer and why you should 'sell the sizzle, and not the steak'.
6 Effective ways to diffuse all prospect doubts, change their state of mind and minimize buyers' remorse.
3 Trade secrets to keep your prospects hot for your offer so you can make the 'call to action' and finally close the sale.
Discover 4 simple things your sales video NEEDS in order to close sales every time and why you could be doing things all wrong... or the hard way.
The 7-letter word that sales videos appeals to more than any other written sales letter and how you can use this to your advantage.
Should you or shouldn't you?... Revealed 5 reasons why you SHOULD use video in your business... plus 5 reasons why you SHOULD NOT.
Get the 14 point-checklist to ensure you're creating sales videos the right way. If you're not following this then you may be launching a dud!
Why a customer will buy from you as opposed to your competitors? Discover the 2 simple words s_____ c_________ that make all the difference.
Why 'hard selling' doesn't always work... and what you should be focusing your attention on if you want your prospects to see the value in your offers.
Discover the 2 simple 'R' words R___________ and R______ that you need to know that are directly responsible for generating revenue and keeping you in business for many years!
Find out the 4 step process your website MUST DO in order to convert visitors into buyers. Master this and you'll be able to sell almost anything to anyone.
Revealed! 5 Big NO NO's of selling online... and why your sales page is struggling to make any sales. (Hint - read and apply this and it will solve over 99% of your copywriting problems)
Instantly DOUBLE, even TRIPLE your sales conversion just by going through this powerful 18-point checklist!
The ONE simple yet overlooked thing you need to get right throughout all stages of your system. Get this right and you could jump from 20% conversions to 50% or more.
Discover the 2 'P words' you need to know P______ and P___ when choosing your niche. Get this wrong and you could waste months and invest thousands in something that won't work!
Understand the 'behind the scenes' importance of a squeeze page and why you still need to make the effort to 'sell'... (even if you are giving stuff away for free).
How to put together an irresistible offer that NO ONE can refuse and more importantly WHY you need to do this in order to grow and scale your business fast.
The cold hard TRUTH about traffic and why 'cheap clicks' are not always a bargain. Find out where to get quality traffic for FREE that you can send to your site within minutes from now.
Discover the 4 distinct types of resale rights licenses you need to know about... how they work and when you should use them to get the marketing edge.
1 Simple mindset shift you MUST apply when selling resale rights products ...and why NOT doing this will force you into unnecessary price wars.
8 Smart ways to re-purpose resale rights products to not only profit from, but attract more customers and grow your business (only a small percentage of marketers even know about this...)
20-point checklist you can follow to ensure you maximize your profits with any turn-key product!
ONE Powerful method to get your customers ADDICTED to your offers and eagerly wanting to come back to you (...based off the 'party grab bag' concept).
1 Powerful marketing trick on how to do almost NOTHING with your resale rights products yet use them to increase your affiliate sales! (...don't miss this)
Revealed! The 5 REAL benefits of using PLR content and why even stone-cold newbies can make a name for themselves literally overnight without ever starting from scratch!
5 Things your PLR product MUST have before you proceed any further. Follow this simple checklist and you could save yourself weeks of work.
10 Powerful ways to re-purpose your PLR products to not only make sales, but to reach new customers and expand your business ...with a lot less effort!
4 Different types of licensing rights you need to be aware of ...plus find out which one is right for you.
Why going 'low ball' and buying cheap PLR will cost you your time and reputation.
6 Questions you've got to ask yourself if you want to create an additional income stream and create your own PLR products for profit.
6 REAL reasons why recurring memberships are 3-12 times more profitable than single sale products and services... and even easier to sell!
Discover the ONE 'Set it and forget it' membership model that requires absolutely ZERO maintenence.
How you can 'bolt on' your membership offer to any existing sales funnel... and not worry about building your funnel the traditional way.
Get 3 PRACTICAL ideas for your next membership site and how to plan and structure EVERYTHING in advance to ensure it's success.
The 16-step process you MUST go through to ensure you're heading the right direction and not building a dud.
How you can get started on a shoe-string budget with nothing more than webhosting and an autoresponder account... (you won't even need third-party membership software with the method we're about to show you...)
The TRUTH about high-ticket marketing... what is it and why you should add it into your existing online business even if you 'think' you're not ready for it...
4 Things you need to know in order to make a good living with high-ticket marketing... (selling these types of products alone will fund your entire lifestyle...)
Why achieving the $1,000,000 milestone is much easier with high-ticket products... and why you could be seriously wasting your time with 'bargain bin' items!
The $10 versus $1,000 analogy: Why 4-figure products and services ARE NOT 100 times hard to sell than $10 products (this alone is a mind-opener and will change the way you think...)
Discover 4 SIMPLE things you should be doing with your list of high-ticket prospects and customers... and why NOT applying these simple instructions could cost you a fortune!
6 Things you can do RIGHT NOW to increase your high-ticket sales!
The REAL reason why product owner HAPPILY give away 100% of the sale to their affiliates... and why this is the one of the most profitable tactics you can apply.
4 Scenarios that make affiliates and JV partners want to promote YOU over anyone else. This alone will kill off any competition and give you a serious advantage.
How to motivate your affiliates to promote you ASAP... plus 3 simple things your JV partners will find hard to resist!
1 Perfect example of a BAD affiliate proposal ...and 4 things you could do in this scenario to turn things around.
The 5 letter word that trumps all technical and clever marketing gimmicks... and why going back to basics will ensure affiliates and customers will ALWAYS want to do business with you.
How to get your affiliates to promote multiple products over many years ...to keep your cash flowing.
Discover the TRUTH about product launches during early stages and why most, if not all launches are used to build long term assets.
2 Things you ABSOLUTELY need to have to ensure your launch is a success... and why some launches fail even with the best product in the marketplace!
What price points you should sell at for introductory sales... and what price point to sell at for BIG PROFIT.
Why giving away 75-100% commission upfront is one of the MOST PROFITABLE things you can do... and how to use this to give you leverage for your next product launch.
Find out EXACTLY what you need to do 2 weeks BEFORE your product launch ...and what to do 2 weeks AFTER!
How to create a BUZZ and get the word out. Simple easy-to-follow steps you need to take to attract JV partners and affiliates to promote for you...
Discover the TRUE power of content marketing... and why CLV conversions will be higher than COLD paid traffic.
4 Distinct purposes of content you need to know about and which ones you should use (...every piece of content you create will fall into one of these categories).
11 Different types of content you can produce quickly and easily to attract highly-targeted and pre-sold leads ...who can't resist what you have to sell!
2 Powerful types of user-generated content that will simplify your marketing efforts MULTIPLE times over and significantly boost your conversions.
The 8-letter word that will help you generate content FASTER and tap into HOT TOPICS that your audience are currently talking about.
10 Reasons why you should add content marketing into your business if you want to GROW and SCALE your business ...whilst keeping your advertising costs to almost ZERO.
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